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May 2022

Guide to Filing a Personal Injury Claim

By Personal Injury

Once you have been involved in an accident that you weren’t at fault for, you are legally entitled to file a personal injury claim to seek compensation for the pain and suffering you endured. The process of seeking a settlement is complicated, which is why having a personal injury attorney on your side is in your best interest. Our attorneys at Losi and Gangi are highly skilled, and will help get you the compensation you are entitled to and deserve. Follow along for a step-by-step guide on what to do when filing a personal injury claim. 

1. Seek Medical Care

Your health and safety is the number one priority. It’s important to seek medical attention immediately after you have been involved in an accident. Even if you think the injuries you suffered are not significant, it is still important you get examined. There is a possibility that you may have internal injuries.

Be sure to listen to your doctor and follow along with the treatment they recommend for you. Regular checkups are a good idea to make sure that your injury is healing properly. Also, do not throw away any medical documents – these may serve as a benefit to you later on when filing your personal injury case. 

2. Prepare Evidence

For any legitimate case filed, there’s always a need to prove the liability or negligence of the party liable for the accident. Start by gathering any evidence connected to the incident that caused your injury. Make sure you are storing these in a safe space where you will not lose them. Invoices for your treatments, medical records, therapy, and all relevant documents will help make a stronger case. Another effective way to prove evidence is through photos and videos. If possible, snap some photos or videos of the injury you sustained. This will help better illustrate and depict the damages you suffered.

3. Stay off Social Media

By posting one photo on social media, you can ruin your entire case. Posting a photo of yourself enjoying vacation when you are in the process of filing a personal injury case comes across as suspicious. Even if the photo was taken from awhile ago, the opponent will find ways to use it against you. It’s best to keep a low profile and avoid posting for awhile until things are settled. 

4. Contact a Personal Injury Attorney 

As mentioned earlier, a personal injury attorney will increase your chances of getting the compensation you deserve. You need highly skilled lawyers on your side to make a stronger case and to avoid manipulation from insurance adjusters. 

Our experienced personal injury attorneys at Losi and Gangi will make sure you are represented fairly throughout every step of your case. If you have recently suffered a personal injury, please contact Losi and Gangi at 716-854-1446 for a free consultation.

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