Workplace Safety Attorney | Buffalo, NY
As an employee you have the right to a safe working environment, no matter the nature of your job. Employers must take the necessary steps as specified under federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) laws that keep their work-space free of hazards that could cause injury or death.
Your Employer’s Obligations Include:
- Reduce safety hazards in the workplace
- Inform employees if they’re working with hazardous materials
- Provide employees with safety gear or offer safety training in order for them to do their jobs properly
- Keep records of workplace injuries and/or death, including when employees are exposed to hazardous materials
- Depending on your occupation or the type of work you do, your employer must take necessary and precautionary measures to provide protective gear and prevent workplace injuries. This is your right for workplace safety.
Your Rights as an Employee
If you ever feel concerned for your safety at work, you should bring up your concerns to your employer without any hesitation. If your employer does not listen to your concerns and doesn’t follow up, then you have a few options:
Filing a Complaint with OSHA: When you file a complaint, you can also request an inspection of your workplace. You can even file anonymously if you would like, but OSHA is obligated to protect your identity if you request it. OSHA can then order your employer to make the necessary changes so employees have a safe and clean working environment.
Refusing to Work: If you fear for your safety at work, you have the right to refuse to perform your job until these issues are fixed. Although this could be risky, you are still protected if several requirements are met. Please ask us about these requirements before you decide to not go to work.
You Are Protected
Employers are forbidden from firing, disciplining, or taking action against employees who complain about workplace safety or file OSHA complaints. If your employer retaliates against you, then you have a right to file a discrimination claim. For more details, feel free to call and ask us any questions.